Walking With Change

Walking With Change

carla joy bergman

Walking with Change is an invitation to "walk" with me and my guests on some brambly-filled-paths as we discover landscapes of lost or clandestine questions, or uncover new and better ones along the way. I am intentionally inviting folks into these conversations whom I feel are asking interesting and unique questions at this time, or are willing to sit with not knowing as they ponder possible questions on the horizon.

The show is a blending of conversations, short fiction, poetry, music, and some musings that dig into what it means to be present during these rapidly changing times. The format and themes of this podcast are indeed multi-layered, and at the heart of the show I’ll be asking my guests what questions are bubbling up for them at this time. And of course, we will meander into many other themes and topics.

I am creating Walking With Change in part because, what if the most common questions swarming our minds and hearts are mere distraction, or worse, leading us further into crisis by keeping us in a feedback loop within empire by asking the same questions over and over again?
What would happen if we stop and listen more to the questions emerging now?

These are some of the edges, fault-lines, and terrains that I invite you to join me and my fellow errant-body-guests on! Let's wander together on pathways that embrace the messiness of asking questions as we explore and learn together, delighting in the surprises that spring up along the way.

When we listen as we walk we have the potential to make and unmake ourselves and our worlds. And in these becoming-more-together practices we can bloom beautiful and autonomous nows, amidst the ongoing disasters and looming dooms.

WWC is an invitation to return from the future to listen to the many nows.


"We are nothing if we walk alone; we are everything when we walk together in step with other dignified feet." — Subcomandante Marcos

PS maybe one day I will travel to meet folks in person so we can actually walk as we talk!

🌙 show music by AwareNess
🌙 show art by Chris Bergman
🌙 Produced by Bergman Creatives:
https://www.listeninghousemedia.com/ + https://www.joyfulcarla.com/

Support the making of the show: https://www.patreon.com/walkingwithchange

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Walking With Change?

There are 3 episodes avaiable of Walking With Change.

What is Walking With Change about?

We have categorized Walking With Change as:

  • Society & Culture
  • Philosophy
  • Relationships

Where can you listen to Walking With Change?

Walking With Change is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Walking With Change start?

The first episode of Walking With Change that we have available was released 25 October 2022.

Who creates the podcast Walking With Change?

Walking With Change is produced and created by carla joy bergman.