Marie de Guise: Part One (with Lana Wood Johnson)

Marie de Guise: Part One (with Lana Wood Johnson)

Vulgar History · 2023-03-28

Time to learn about Marie de Guise, the mother of Mary Queen of Scots! De Guise expert Lana Wood Johnson joins us to talk about just how influential Marie's family was, how and why she wound up in Scotland, how she dealt with the Asshole Scottish Lords ft. John Goddamn Knox, and how nature AND nurture would lead to in the development of Mary Queen of Scots's personality later on.
I forgot to say in the episode, but my main source of info about Marie was this book:
Scourge of Henry VIII: The Life of Marie de Guise by Melanie Clegg
Here are links to EKsplaine, who I quote here about her hilarious Scottish history reels and Youtube!
eksplaine Youtube
eksplaine IG
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Vulgar History

A feminist women's history comedy podcast hosted by Ann Foster. How do you solve a problem like Marie Antoinette?

  • No. of episodes: 227
  • Latest episode: 2025-02-05
  • History

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