Bom dia, bbs!!
We’re back to spill THE TEA from our most recent series: Sex as Medicine. Our Bougie Aun-TEA times are the time we have to reflect on what came up for us after posting these episodes. We had A LOT to say and we hope that this episode blesses you as it has blessed us!
Take a break, rest, and clean your home today… invite that good energy in for this week!
As always, we want to thank you for all of your support, in all the ways! we’re trying to build up this patreon, so that we can sustainably fund the work we already do with the podcast. so if you’re not yet a patreon, join today @
Sources and what’s In the episode:
Hoodoo Yellow dock (Rumex Crispus) Sunlight Meditation Melatonin St.John/St.Jane’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) Anneka Tankara Fitness Trainer
IG @annktank Kukuwa Fitness - African Dance Fitness (herb) Star Jasmine Flowers (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
PUBMED Article Knees and Joints Pentecostal Sexual Abuse/Assault BDSM A Burst of Light (essay) by Audre Lorde Everything, Everywhere, All At Once (movie)
Follow us on social:
@pettyherbalist @bonesbugsandbotany
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#StayReady #BePetty
***if you read this far, send me a dm @pettyherbalist for a shoutout!***