SocialNRG Presents...Your Backstage Pass
SocialNRG Digital Media Ltd.This exciting interview-style episodic show provides audiences rare access to unique personal stories and reflections from a wide variety of internationally acclaimed recording artists, writers, producers, engineers, and other industry insiders. Whether in studio or on the road, audiences will learn what life in the music industry is really like through the eyes of those who live it.
Helmed by Mick Dalla-Vee, singer, songwriter, producer and lead vocalist/multi-instrumental musician for the world-renown Randy Bachman Band, Mick takes audiences along for an intimate journey to discover how our guests got their start and ultimately rose to prominence in the music business. At times, the show is funny, raw, gritty, and heartfelt as the path to success was not always easy. Regardless, our guests enjoy the opportunity to share their stories and give back to their fans, who have supported them throughout their careers.
- No. of episodes: 123
- Latest episode: 2023-10-10
- Music Music Commentary Music Interviews